Sunday, January 2, 2011

Farewell 2010

Farewell to you, the year 2010!  You have been the most bittersweet and undeniably eventful year in the history of my life...  

January 15, 2010:  I began the life of the working, single mom of five kids in my new apartment.  Took kids out of their school and transferred to another.  Food stamps and medicaid here I come...

February - May: I learned more about myself in these few months than I had ever known my entire life.  My sixth and final surgery, a complete hysterectomy, is performed and the slow process of recovery begins.  I applied for school at Ivy Tech and discovered that none of my credits from 5 years at Ball State University will transfer since it has been 11 years and they don't accept them past 10.  Bummer...  Kids are adjusting to our new life.  Ethan is depressed and his grades, once A's and B's, are now D's

June: I received enough grant money to cover my schooling and some extra for living expenses.  Yay!  Kids are glad to be out of school.  Running every night and working out at the gym are doing great things for my high stress levels.  I'm feeling better physically and emotionally than ever before. 

July - August:  The decision to begin homeschooling again after a year at public schools is made.  (Super excited about that!)  And sometime during this time period, Brian convinced me that things were different and bought me the Love Dare book and the movie Fireproof.  I (hesitantly) agreed to go through it with him even though I was convinced I was content with how things were and it would never work.

September: We begin spending time together other than dropping off or picking up the kids.

October - November:  Slowly things were moved back into the house from the apartment.  We buy a new vehicle and start fixing up the house a little.  I am no longer staying at the apartment.  Things are good.  Kids are happy.  Miracles do happen!   

December: Last payment to apartment was made and it is no longer mine.  Our life together is officially resumed!  Only finally, it is healthy and wonderful.


  1. I am so freakin' happy for you!~
    great ending to your 2010...

  2. Thanks! It's gonna be exciting to see where things go from here.

  3. Words can't express the Joy that a happy healthy marriage can bring. Granted there may be up times and down times. But God is always good. I think we may have talked before. But I still totally love the book "Love and Respect". And we are now looking forward to starting a new book at church. "Love and War". We have great friends that we do this with, so we are looking toward good things. Plus going back to it all. Kirk Cameron picked a great project in Love Dare/Fireproof. That is a great movie to watch at least a couple times a year.
